Change of Use

Conversion, Change of Use, Replacement, Addition to or Alteration of Existing Structures

At its regular meeting held on August 31, 1983,. the Bourne Board of Health voted, under authority of Chapter 111, Section 31,

the following regulation:


A regulation concerning the conversion, change of use, replacement, addition to or alteration of existing structures within the Town of Bourne.


“No building within the Town of Bourne shall be converted or altered or repaired so as to enable its use year round nor shall its use be changed unless the present existing septic system complies with requirements of Title 5, 310 CMR15.00, or the system can be upgraded to comply with Title 5. In addition, no building shall be remodeled, replaced or altered in any manner unless said septic system complies with Title 5, 310 CPR 15.00, or written approval is obtained from the Board of Health.