Executive Committee Meetings/Minutes, Bylaws and Governance, Financials
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- Sample Only – Northern Bristol County Public Health Alliance Shared Services Coordinator (Contract Services) – DEADLINE: FEBRUARY 17, 2023 – 12 Noon:
Massachusetts Association of Health Boards
Massachusetts Boards of Health are responsible under general laws, state and local regulations, for disease prevention and control, health and environmental protection, and promoting a healthy community.

Legal BOH Guidance
We will be posting guidance’s and recommendations for common legal public health questions that we have been receiving. Please click on the following link to view our latest set of guidance’s and recommendations.
Local Public Health Practice Webinars and Courses
Visit the link below to obtain access to all future live events and past recorded Webinars on a variety of public health practice topics brought to you by MAHB epidemiology and health policy colleagues of the Emergency Preparedness Research, Evaluation and Practice (EPREP) Program, Division of Policy Translation and Leadership Development, Harvard T. H. Chan School of Public Health.
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The Year in Review
Special Program on Health Regulations and Agricultural Activities in Massachusetts
Recording of Session Now Available by Clicking Here Special Program on Health Regulations and Agricultural Activities in Massachusetts May 27th 7:00 PM - 8:30PM Sponsored by MAHB and MHOA Please join us in the ZOOM lobby between 6:45 PM and 7:00...
Laying a Solid Foundation – Tobacco Laws Pertaining to the Commonwealth of Massachusetts
Acknowledgements: Laying a Solid Foundation was originally drafted by staff at the Public Health Advocacy Institute (formerly known as the Tobacco Control Resource Center), based at Northeastern University School of Law for the Massachusetts Department of Public...
MAHB Releases K – 12 Reopening LBOH Guidance
Weekly SARS-CoV-2 screening of asymptomatic students and staff to guide and evaluate strategies for safer in-person learning
Shira Doron, Robin Ingalls, Anne Beauchamp, Jesse Boehm, Helen Boucher, Linda Chow, Linda Corridan, Cathryn Goehringer, Douglas Golenbock, Liz Larsen, David Lussier, Marcia Testa, Andrea L Ciaranello doi: https://doi.org/10.1101/2021.03.20.21253976 This article is a...
March 19 2021 Updated LBOH Templates/Guidance on Final “Cease and Desist” and “Notice of Violation” Orders
For a Notice of Violation Template Check List... - "The above-named Board of Health, working under the authority of the Governor’s Emergency Orders, including, but not limited to, COVID-19 Orders Numbered 26, 33, 36, 37, 38, 40, 41, 45, 49, 50, 55, 57, 58, 59, 60,...
Lower 3-feet Physical Distancing Policies is as Effective as 6-feet in Massachusetts K-12 School Settings
CDC reviewing 6-foot distancing rule for schools after study suggests 3 feet is safe The Centers for Disease Control is revisiting its guidance that schools maintain 6 feet of distance between students in the classroom after a study published last week on the...
LEGISLATION ALERT – Amendment to State Law—Mass. Gen. Laws ch. 111, § 31
Mass. Gen. Laws ch. 111, s. 31 grants local boards of health (LBOH) the legal authority to promulgate reasonable health regulations. The recently signed amendment to G.L. c. 111, s. 31 requires LBOH to solicit comments on proposed agricultural regulations from an...
Liability Protections for Vaccination Clinics
Question: Are healthcare workers, clinics and others who administer the COVID-19 vaccine liable for injury or death caused by a COVID-19 vaccination? Answer: No. State and federal law, and a federal no-fault compensation program, give complete immunity to healthcare...